The Filling Station, a review by Di

posted in: 5 star read | 0

Vanessa Miller

Thomas Nelson Fiction
March 11, 2025
384 pages

Goodreads | Amazon |

I had barely started this book when it gripped me. And, not just in a good way but a compelling way. This is a historical novel of an actual incident in 1921 where white people burned down a Black town, Greenwood, just outside of Tulsa Oklahoma. It was horrific. Over a thousand homes and businesses were destroyed. Countless deaths. Totally horrifying!

Tulsa Race Massacre | The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture

Two of the victims of this senseless destruction were two teenage sisters, Evelyn and Margaret. They lost their father and his business (a grocery store) along with their home. A kindly family just outside of town gave them shelter and kindness.

We follow the two young ladies as they suffer through the aftermath with their grief, despair and what we now know as PTSD. It was heartbreaking, my heart went out to these two along with the other victims who struggled with the loss of so many friends, family and everything they possessed. The description of the event may be a trigger for some readers. It is quite detailed.

I had never heard of this horrible event. I’m shocked that the this was buried in history until recent years.

The survivors of the Massacre were strong and resilient. The was rebuilt, house by house, business by business. Evelyn and Margaret had their issues but remained loyal to each other. It was heartwarming to watch them become stronger than they ever imagined they could be.

The Afterword by the author is important to read. She explains her research, including a visit to the town. She also explains how some of the characters came to be. Kudos to Ms. Miller for all the research and hard work to recreate this historic event that memorializes and pays tribute to a town and its people.

It wasn’t planned but I am glad that I read it during Black History Month. This book truly opened my eyes.

Thank you to NetGalley for the Advance Readers Copy.

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