You Can Run, A Review by Sherry

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You Can Run
Rebecca Zanetti

400 pages
published January 25, 2022

Amazon | Goodreads

What is better than reading a new to you author and loving the book?  Realizing that the book is the first in a new series.  I have to admit I was pleased.  

Contemporary suspense was all I read for quite a while and it’s been too long since I’ve read one.  I had forgotten how much I like this genre when it leans more towards the suspense and is light on the romance.  This book had just the right mix for me. You have all the best elements: a little will they won’t teasing, check, a few dead bodies that we need to figure out who killed them, check, and some imminent danger, check.  Then you throw in the hunk at the center of this one is part of a search and rescue department and has a search dog.  And while the dog doesn’t get much of his personality in the story, he isn’t just there for show, he’s an essential part of the plot.  (and in case you are fretting, no harm comes to the dog)

This centers around dead naked bodies showing up in the middle of winter in Washington state in Rebecca’s hometown.  So the prodigy FBI consultant makes a trip home to investigate and ends up on a task force with local law enforcement and the wildlife officers.  I really like Rebecca and the rest of her team and enjoyed watching them bond.  There was just the right amount of difficult colleagues and suspects to bring tension to the investigation along with plenty of suspects,red herrings and a few twists.

I think this is the start of a promising new series that thriller and crime lovers will enjoy.

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