Published on March 8th, 2024
Self Published
377 pages
What a wonderful and epic adventure. I was honored to read Wyvern the first book in the Dark Lair Trilogy by DJ O’Brien. First I just wanted to say how much I love reading and discovering new books by Indie authors, and Wyvern is one of them. You are invited to a world that is on a brink of destruction from despair and darkness, what is right and what is wrong, and characters questioning their morals. We follow our protagonists as they start their journey to gather and retrieve crystals that are known to be powerful, before they end up in the wrong hands. The author created a world with intensity, political intrigue, diversity in race and culture, thrill and suspense. The story unfolds with many twists and turns and OMG moments, that made it difficult to put the book down and go on with responsibilities for the day. One of the features that I’ve notice while reading was the attention to detail when it came to describing landscapes, characters physical appearances to their actions, and the fights; They were all describe in such detail it felt like I was in the book witnessing everything first hand. The author gave each of the characters their own personalities, perfections, and flaws, it can be difficult to have many characters in a book with their own background, along with creating a world from scratch; the author demonstrated that it can be done by the way he writes and how the story flowed like a river… (with no rocks or logs of course). As I read each page and took my time to read because I did not want this adventure to end, I made it to the end of the book wanting more. This was a phenomenal story and start to a trilogy, I want to thank the author for creating such a story with unforgettable characters, and an unforgettable world that help forget the real world, even for a second. I cannot wait for the second installment of the Dark Lair Trilogy!
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