Woman of the Year, a review by Shelley

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Darcey Bell

Atria Books | Emily Bestler Books
Publication Date: March 21st, 2023
240 Pages
Goodreads | Amazon

As of the writing of this review, this title has a mere 3.02 rating on Goodreads and I do not understand why. I liked this book for how different it was, it is a very unique strange take on the revenge trope. Now I am not saying this is a literary masterpiece that’s going to win awards but I am saying it is a very entertaining read. I found it gripping and read it in a single sitting.

The characters in this are batshit crazy and I loved that and the book gives new meaning to the term crazy cat lady. The ending was weirdly surprising and I found it very satisfying. Often I dislike a book that everyone loves, this is one of those rare times I love a book everyone is giving a low rating to, that was a great surprise. Like A Simple Favour this book is kind of campy (in a very good way) so if you enjoyed that title you’ll like this, or if you’re into quirky, messed-up characters where you can’t trust what anyone is saying then this is the book for you.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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