Woman Last Seen, a review by Sherry

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Woman Last Seen
Adele Parks

384 pages
published February 1, 2022

Amazon | Goodreads

I’ve read a lot of thrillers lately where there is no thrill or imminent danger, which I have a tendency to think they aren’t thrillers, but I’m happy to report this one is definitely one.  Right from the start you know someone has been kidnapped and we get snippets from her point of view.  Now I can’t say you will like or sympathize with her.  I won’t say she is an unreliable narrator, but as you learn about her, she doesn’t really have a grip on reality.  At least not the reality I live in.

About halfway through the book, I made up my mind what had happened and I was right, but up until that point, there were many suspects to who kidnapped Leigh with pretty compelling motives.  I’m quite adept at figuring things out in thrillers and I saw most of the twists coming, except for the very end.  I have respect for the author’s choice.  I don’t want to ruin the twists or ending, but it definitely made it worth the read and stand out a little from the average domestic thriller.

In addition to the obvious, the book also made me think about the truth and secrets.  Does your truth align with what others would see and what secrets shouldn’t be so secretive.  This is all a running theme as the story unfolds.

I think thriller lovers will be entertained by this one.

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