Wish You Were Here, a review by Amy

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Wish You Were Here
Jodi Picoult
Random House Ballantine
336 pages
Available November 30, 2021

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I’ve said it numerous times. I’m not ready to read a book that deals with Covid. It’s too soon.

Then I started reading this advanced copy. It’s one I’ve been super excited about. Jodi Picoult!!!! I went in blind.

And dang it. Covid.

Only Picoult’s beautiful and adept writing style could draw me in and compel me to read a book (in ONE day) set in the pandemic we are still experiencing.

Wish You Were Here is moving, heart wrenching, and exceptionally executed.

Diana has specific goals and is on track to achieve them all. Until unexpected, microscopic germs upend her life in exactly the way they did ours- masks, shut downs, furloughs, canceled flights, hotel and restaurant closures…

But in the midst of all the pandemic chaos, Diana’s jaunt to the Galapagos Islands took Di’s breath away, alongside my own! The vivid depiction of the island, the welcoming locals, the playful animals, the whole adventure! In a world where covid exists, Isabella Island provided a lovely escape.

Picoult’s depth of research is evident in Finn’s character. His emails to Diana were heartbreaking and intense. We owe a debt of gratitude we’ll never fully be able to repay our frontline workers. Picoult well honors them in this book.

So much more to say. But to reveal too much about this book or it’s plot would do a grave injustice to future readers. In typical Picoult fashion, the twist is shocking and superbly executed.

This novel demanded processing time. It hit my emotions hard…remembering what we’ve already been through while knowing it’s not completely over. And yet, Picoult also managed to create a sense of hope. Her message of resilience was just what I needed, even if it was not what I had sought out.

Thank you Jodi Picoult, Ballantine Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of this book.

Don’t dismiss this one just because it’s covid related.  I wouldn’t missed a gem if I had.


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