Whispered Word
Alec Klein
207 pages
Pub: January 28, 2025
A worn out at the end of his rope ex-investigation reporter finds an old newspaper article about a girl who was wrongly accused uses this chance to redeem not only her but himself to himself. Is it because of what happened to his mother? Or a last chance to do something good? First half of the book was slow and was depressing due to the MC’s mental state. It was interesting to learn that this was actually based on a real case. It would be interesting to find more about this. Through the FMC and a minor character, I feel the MC starts to learn more about faith and steering away from being agnostic. I’m not sure where the MC’s thoughts were with trying to look for the FMC’s father and trying to tie that in with her case.
Since the MC used to be an investigative reporter there was wordage that was quite elaborate, so he had that going for him Through helping others something in him awoken even if it is a small glimmer, he finds the courage to help those who had no one else to help them. The ending was disappointing, although understandable if someone wants you dead, you keep going on the run. I wished there was more about his mother’s death and the relationship between him and his sister.
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