When We Were Friends, a review by Shelley

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Samantha Tonge

Boldwood Books
Publication Date: October 4th, 2023
317 Pages
Goodreads | Amazon

Samantha Tonge is fast becoming a favourite of mine. This is my sixth book by the author and she has never disappointed me. Her books are always realistic with relatable characters that find themselves in real-life situations. The plots are always engaging and the writing style always communicates information effectively.

When We Were Friends is a book about old high school friends who have fallen out and have been out of touch for close to twenty years. This book ticked a lot of boxes for me, it’s women’s friendship fiction with a bit of a mystery and a lot of secrets. Morgan is the main character and she gets her own chapters with her point of view. Her three friends Paige, Emily and Tiff share their chapters but also get their thoughts across. I loved the different points of view, every character added something to the plot and I felt like I got to know them very well. I also appreciated how the young man was portrayed. I won’t say too much as I don’t want to give anything away but we never know what someone is going through.

It’s very sad that three friends lost touch during all that time but it was such a happy feeling when they reconnected, even if it was rough going at first. What I took from this book is that it’s never too late to make amends or forgive the past, there is still time to grow up and learn about life when you’re in your thirties, and mistakes you make as a teen don’t have to carry on forever. I was shocked by the big reveal and loved being so surprised! Well done to Miss Tonge for that, you got me. This was a lovely, thought-provoking story about forgiveness. It broke my heart but eventually put it back together again.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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