Thornhedge, a review by Cat

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T. Kingfisher

Published August 15, 2023
By Tor Books
128 Pages

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We’ve all heard the story of a beautiful princess tucked away in a castle, cursed to sleep the rest of her days away. But what if the story was told from a different story? What if the princess wasn’t a victim, and this wasn’t a curse?

Knowing my fondness for twisted and fractured fairy tales, it was no surprise that Thornhedge immediately caught my attention. And with T. Kingfisher as the author (one of my newfound favorites), my anticipation for it only grew.

Thornhedge truly excelled in capturing the intricacies of these fractured fables. It has a lot of delightful elements, such as changelings, fae, and the power wielded by words. It’s a story that caters to those who cherish fairy tales and possess a deep appreciation for their lore.

All things said and done, I almost wish Thornhedge was longer. Not because the story called for more – but because I would love to explore this world a bit more.

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