They Come at Knight, a review by Sherry

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They Come at Knight
Yasmin Angoe

366 pages
Thomas & Mercer
published September 13, 2022

Amazon | Goodreads

This is larger than life.  Nena is one heck of a badass assassin using all the skills she has to protect what is important to her.  It starts out slow and then switches to an all out quick pace through the second half of the book.  It is kill or be killed.

Nena is such a great, well developed character and I LOVE that we have a female assassin.  I love action, political, spy… novels and have never read one with a female as the lead.

I am always jumping in, in the middle of the series and this time, I read both Her Name is Knight and They Come at Knight, and for once I’d say read the books in order because there is so much back story in the first book that leads into the second.  And since we are only on book two, there isn’t much to catch up on.

And while I keep mentioning the twists and actions, the writing is touching at times and I loved the descriptions in Ghana.

This might be the best book of the year for me from an author I hadn’t previously heard of (not getting any hype).

Run out and grab both books and kick some butt with Nena.  You’ll thank me.

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