There Is No Ethan, a review by Di

Anna Akbar

Grand Central Publishing
June 4 2024
304 pages

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Catfishing: someone is using a fake identity to trick you into believing you’re in a real online friendship or romance with them.

What a wild ride this book is! The author takes her story and that of two other women to detail how Ethan carried on an online relationship with each of them. The relationship always starts out amazing and seems like it will be a match made in heaven. After multiple failed attempts to meet each other, he would get argumentative with them. It would border on abuse, verbally, mentally and psychologically.

Anna #1 has a PhD in Sociology and holds a teaching position at a New York University.
Anna #2 (British Anna) is studying for her Doctorate in Psychology at a British university.
Gina is working as an architect (Princeton and Harvard educated) but is testing the ground to pivot into Interior Design in Philadelphia.

These are well-educated women who have been in the working and dating world. They are not innocent teens just starting out in the world. Yet, they get hooked.

This book is well written, easy to follow and so very interesting, in a horrifying way.

The tale gets very convoluted and shocking. It’s hard to review it without revealing too much. Towards the end I was Googling to verify facts……everything was verifiable.

Truth is stranger than fiction. This tale certainly proves that cliché.

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