The Ylthin by R.M. Peden (The Cosima Series: Book 1)

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The Ylthin
R.M. Peden

311 pages

Publication: Coming in 2024

Fantasy has always been my go to genre to read. Especially when it involves complex worldbuilding, and creatures other than the ones we are already familiar with, such as dwarves, elves and humans. But what if one day you were told that you were part of another race and your very existence depends whether if they live or die.

R.M. Peden creates a fierce heroine who is not always perfect, and sometimes allows her emotions get the best of her. Luckily she has those closest to her that has her best interest at heart and that will do what they can to protect her.

The Ylthin takes its readers through multiple character point of views as the story begins to unfolds. This story will test loyalties to family and friends, but when loyalties are tested there is always something or someone doing the testing. Overall I could not put this book down, it had political intrigue, adventure, humor, and a lovable elder wizard. I am always looking for new fantasy authors and I am so happy that I found R.M. Peden and the world of Ylthin.


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    Title: “The Ylthin” by R.M. Peden – A Fantastical Journey of Discovery and Loyalties

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