The Wishing Game, a review by Shelley

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Meg Shaffer

Random House Publishing Group | Ballantine Books
Publication Date: May 30th, 2023
304 Pages
Goodreads | Amazon

“The only wishes ever granted are the wishes of brave children who keep on wishing even when it seems no one’s listening because someone somewhere always is.”

I loved this book so much, it was such a beautiful story about how books can change the reader and I am a firm believer that books help people young and old. This book will resonate with Harry Potter fans (which I am not) who enjoyed that series as a kid (my kid did)…They’ll have lots in common with Lucy and her love of The Clock Island books.

Many reviews have said this is more young adult fare but I didn’t find it so. There is magic, romance and a difficult foster-to-adopt situation. Lucy also deals with having a limited income, so she does her job as a teaching assistant and supplements her income with her knitted scarves on Esty. I found those subjects a little too adult for this to be kids’ fiction but I think kids could enjoy it too. Parts of this book broke my heart but it is ultimately a joyful story.

This was a truly unique book, even though it has remnants of Willy Wonka, but with the kids coming back as adults! I loved the characters, it sucked me in right away and I read it in a couple of sittings making this book perfect for readers young and old.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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