The Unmaking of June Farrow, a review by Cat

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The Unmaking of June Farrow
Adrienne Young

Published October 17, 2023
By Delacorte Press
320 Pages

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As a massive fan of Adrienne Young, The Unmaking of June Farrow is one of those books that automatically made it onto my TBR list. That said, I don’t think this book ended up reading like the rest of her novels – it was less magical, at least for me.

The Unmaking of June Farrow initially might not seem like a historical fantasy, but its magical elements become evident early in the narrative. The story carries a profound emotional weight, particularly in light of everything June undergoes and will face.

While aspects of the tale resonated with me, there were also parts that didn’t quite connect. Nevertheless, Adrienne Young takes a bold approach, and credit is due. Summarizing this book in a few words is a challenge because it encompasses not only historical fantasy and romance but also introduces elements of time travel, and yet none of these terms fully encapsulate the essence of the narrative.

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