The Starlight Heir, an early review by Kristie

posted in: 5 star read, Kristie | 0


The Starlight Heir

Amalie Howard

368 pages

Publishes January 7, 2025



Oh my goodness. Amalie. You’re killing me! I started this thinking I was going into this nice, happy, forbidden romance with a hot and a little bit of court intrigue, and then BAM! It’s an epic, violent, life and death prophetic masterpiece that has found my very soul.

The storytelling in this book was absolutely vibrant and came to life for me from the beginning. I absolutely love Suraya, she is headstrong, powerful, and understated by herself. Of course she’s swept away by Roshan, he’s a handsome prince who is beautiful both physically and in spirit. Thanks for setting those book boyfriend standards so high, girl. For real. Swoon!

The magic, the lore, the fantasy of it all was so gripping and real, I could not escape Kaldari if I wanted to. Suraya and Roshan have so much to face, and although they quickly learn that they’re better against any foe together, there are forces at work to keep them as far apart as they can. But can the gods, the king, and even fate itself keep them apart, or will they find each other and claim what’s theirs?

SO GOOD! I need book 2!


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