The Soulmate Equation
by Christina Lauren
368 pages published by Gallery books
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Jess Davis statistician by day and single mom by night. Despite the fact that Jess literally deals with numbers all day and knows the probability of finding her “soulmate” in the real world, nothing could persuade her to get into online dating or really any dating of any kind. Her best friend is a romance author and is all about that rom com happy ending fairy tale life and Jess wants absolutely no part of it until they hear that another regular in their local coffee shop, that they call “Americano” has a business finding soulmates by using your DNA. On a whim they go and submit their DNA because what could possibly go wrong when Jess get’s a NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT MATCH with AMERICANO (Dr. Pena.)
Now Jess is a numbers gal and numbers don’t lie… right? This can’t be true? She can’t be a statistical match with someone there’s no way. She’s about to nope out and move on with her life when they offer to PAY HER just to get to know her. She’s a single mom? What can be the harm? What should she do? Get to know him? See if it goes anywhere? Pretend to like him just until the launch goes through?
I mean what would you do? They’re PAYING YOU to what? Pretend to like this guy? To learn the how he came up with the idea? I mean she is a numbers gal after all? She’d love to learn what’s the worse that could happen?
I absolutely adored this book. No surprise there. I loooooove a good rom com, enemies to lovers, fake dating. ALL THE CHEESINESS THROW IT MY WAY! We love to hate it. Christina Lauren is becoming one of my go to authors and I am slowly making my way through all of her books. If you haven’t read this yet and you like a good romance but not raunchy then 10/10. Would recommend.
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