The Sideways Life of Denny Voss, a review by Shelley

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The Sideways Life of Denny Voss
Holly Kennedy 

Lake Union Publishing
Publication Date: April 8th, 2025
335 Pages
Amazon | Goodreads |

Genres: Women’s Fiction

I loved this book so much. The story is told from Denny’s point of view. Denny is a 30-year-old developmentally delayed man who has a heart of gold and is honest to a fault. The authentic way Denny’s dialogue and internal thoughts were written blew me away. I felt that Danny wasn’t given his due as to how smart he really is. And even though his number is 72 he knows what’s what. But don’t fret, even though our main character is developmentally different this story takes on some heavy topics… gun violence sexual assault and class issues to name but a few. 

The author writes every aspect of Denny, his relationships and the tough topics in a realistic and sensitive manner in a way I’ve never seen before. She has a real understanding of these issues because she has dealt with them with friends and family and it shows.

By the end of the story I was crying and I just wanted to hug Danny and his family so I ended up hugging the book via my tablet instead. I was thoroughly satisfied with the ending, the way the author could have gone the sickly sweet way but she didn’t and it just made me appreciate the story and its characters that much more. It left me feeling hopeful for Denny and his family and I realized just how lucky Denny is. I can’t recommend this one enough, it’s going on my favourites of the year list. All. The. Stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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