The Secret Life of Beatrice Alright, a review by Shelley

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The Secret Life of Beatrice Alright
Brooke Harris

Publication Date: February 7th, 2025
Storm Publishing
349 Pages
Amazon | Goodreads

Genres: Women’s Fiction | Romance

This book was so sad and so scary, it just goes to show how quickly things can change. The author managed to write multiple difficult situations in a realistic and sensitive manner, as many of these characters have some very distressing issues going on in their lives, but I never felt them give in to self-pity. The book didn’t feel depressing even though it was heartbreakingly sad it was also full of optimism, hope and joy but mostly it was filled with love, the love these characters had for each other and the love they had for themselves. The author wrote the child character very well with realistic dialogue and behaviours. I am always in awe when an author can do that so well.

Although this story takes place in December and January it isn’t a Christmas story but I would recommend it as a holiday read. This tale will have you counting your blessings while you read it. This is such a moving story of a mother’s love, her resilience and determination. It really does take a village to raise a child and she learns to lean on her community.

These characters and their different situations broke my heart but by the end, the pieces were put back together again. I have Memories of You by this author on my to-be-read pile I can’t wait to crack it open and check out her other books.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.


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