The Secret Book of Flora Lea, a review by Shelley

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Patti Callahan Henry

Atria Books
Publication Date: May 2nd, 2023
368 Pages
Goodreads | Amazon

This was such a wonderful story that crosses many genres. It’s part historical fiction, part mystery and part coming-of-age with a touch of romance. I loved the two time periods of the 1940s and the 1960s. I found the WWII parts so heartbreakingly sad, especially the evacuation of small children who don’t understand what’s going on.

The idea of a story inside a story was magical and the relationship between sisters Flora and Hazel was special, to say the least. I fully understood it because like Flora I have a sister who is much older than I am. All the elements of the book were woven together seamlessly creating emotions that had me hurting for everyone involved. I could clearly picture the descriptions in my mind’s eye, the blitz in London, the safer countryside, the planes flying overhead and even the magical land of Whisperwood.

The book was well-researched and felt true to life. All the characters were relatable and their behaviour made them feel like real people. For the most part, I really enjoyed getting to know them. This was such a special book about family, first love, stories, the ravages of war on families, and the power of one’s imagination. What a great premise and it was executed beautifully.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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