The Road We Took, a review by Tanya

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The Road We Took
by Cathy A Lewis

390 pages
Publishing Feb 15th 2022

Amazon | Goodreads

About the Book:

In 1933, before World War II, and the Holocaust, the world was unaware of Hitler’s plans to exterminate millions.

Author Cathy A. Lewis discovered a tattered leather suitcase containing her deceased father’s journal documenting his six-week trek through Europe in 1933 while on his way to the 4th Boy Scout World Jamboree.

Inspired by her father’s historical recount, The Road We Took is the four-day epic tale of a desperate group of Jewish citizens attempting to escape Nazi-occupied Germany.

Fascinating characters come together in a narrative of extreme courage, budding adolescent love, and their fight for survival.

Life in Germany will never be the same as Hitler and the Nazis advance their propaganda campaign, to systematically murder the Jewish population.

And this was only the beginning.

My Review:

A historical fiction based on the author’s father’s real-life experiences. It’s interesting to think about what is from real life and what is fictional.

An emotional read that will you have in tears but also provides a bit of hope at the end.  Perfect for fans of the WWII Historical Fiction genre.

Thank you to Books Forward Publishing for this gifted copy.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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