The Night She Disappeared, a review by Amy

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The Night She Disappeared
Lisa Jewell
416 pages
Atria Books
Available September 6, 2021

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This tense, slow burn, emotion filled mystery kept me intrigued. An old house with secrets. A quirky, rich friend with nothing to lose. An overpowering and manipulative boyfriend with everything to lose. So many possibilities. But what really happened the night 2 young parents go missing?


Quick reference:
🏰 Old mansion with secrets
👨🏼‍🏫 Creepy, old boarding school
👨‍👩‍👧Multiple POV
🕰Dual Timeline

This was just the book I needed while on vacation. The quick chapters that changed timeframe and perspective kept me hooked and allowed me to get lost in the story (staying up way too late to read “just another chapter…or two…”). Clues were revealed at a steady pacing to make me feel satisfied with each reveal while still wanting more. And while the outcome wasn’t a surprise, there were enough nuances to keep it engaging, which meant I didn’t feel disappointed. Actually, I was content with the way it all unfolded and wound up. Maybe it was because I was in vacation mode. Maybe it was just good writing…which Jewell is well known for. And the writing definitely flows smoothly and effortlessly in this book.

This story is rich with characterization, and the characters are all so unique and different. Some I could relate to. Some I wanted to better understand. I found things to love about each one and plenty to hate about a few.

This book is more mystery than thriller. It has a murky underbelly, but Jewell doesn’t push that darkness to the sinister. There were parts that made me feel claustrophobic or a tad bit on edge, but they were short lived and not entirely menacing or ominous. (Considering this was a vacation read for me, I actually appreciated that.)

Ultimately, this book is about the power of control and the destruction caused by manipulation. That message may be more haunting than the disappearances it unravels.

Hope you enjoy this mystery!


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