The Maid, a review by Di

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Nita Prose

Ballantine Books
January 4, 2022
304 page

Goodreads | Amazon

When I started this book, I had no idea what to expect. Our main character is Molly, who works as a maid at a major hotel. Get it? Molly Maid?

Molly is neurodivergent, a person whose brain processes things differently than most. This fact leaves her very naive and vulnerable to the actions of others. Her thought process is very literal and her interactions with other people can be stilted. Yet she can surprisingly be very intuitive. Her life changes when she comes across a dead body in one of the suites she cleans on a regular basis.

This is classified as a β€œcozy mystery”, a term I was not familiar with. It simply means there is no violence, murder or sex on the pages. It may still happen but it is β€œoff-page”. Probably I have read such books over the years but the term was not known to me.

I loved how Molly and her circle of β€œfriends” became involved in solving the murder. Honestly, it took me back to my days of reading Nancy Drew books.

This was a sweet story. I particularly liked Molly. She has a heart of gold and wants to think the best of people. But as the story goes on it is interesting to watch Molly become more aware of social nuances, more self-confident, more comfortable with herself.

I am always pleased to run across old-fashioned, rarely used words in a modern novel. I ran across two of them in this book: Besmirched and Guffaw. Actually, this is the second time this year I found Besmirched. Maybe the word is making a comeback!

My favourite quote in the book: We are all the same in different ways.

Enjoyable, entertaining and fun read.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an Advance Readers Copy.

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