The Mad Girl, a review by Amy

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The Mad Girl
Andrew Colvin
342 pages
Amazon Publishing

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The Mad Girl is a dark psychological thriller that explores the impact of trauma and abuse.

We meet Cee shortly after the deaths of her father and brother. Traumatized by years of abuse at her father’s hands, Cee believes her hatred caused the tragic accident. Buried in guilt, Cee seeks solace from her faith and her local priest. What follows is a path of destruction and depravity at the hands of the very person from whom she seeks guidance and forgiveness.

We see abuse and trauma change Cee. Her desire for justice becomes carnal. I greatly empathized with her plight. The ideology of right and wrong takes center stage as Cee’s decisions, dictated by poor mental health, turn more sinister. Her moral code becomes corrupted.

This story begs two key questions:
-When helpers become abusers and push you towards wrongdoing, who is ultimately at fault?
-Is justice at any cost really justice at all?

In this debut, Colvin creates a good working premise that intrigued me and gave me much to ponder. While the characters are largely unlikable, they are intricately created. Many dangling plot lines are placed throughout the story. In some cases, these created puzzles to keep the mystery in play. However, in many other cases, they muddled the storyline and took away from the mystery. The potential twist at the end could’ve created a riveting conclusion, but it didn’t quite have the foundation upon which to be well executed.

This story places an important spotlight on the horrors of abuse and the way trauma effects mental health. Unfortunately, this book only looks at the negative ramifications and offers no healthy solutions.

Upon finishing this book, I asked myself: Whose words give you strength and confidence? And are they worthy of such?

*There are many, necessary content warnings for this book.

Thank you to Andrew Colvin for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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