The Little French Bridal Shop
By Jennifer Dupee
304 pages
Published March 9, 2021 by St. Martin’s Press
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I haven’t read very many books where I’ve really disliked almost every character in the book, but I can add this title to that label. I mean, the only characters I liked in the end were Larisa’s parents!
I found Larisa to be crazy-annoying! Who makes dumb decisions, one right after another, on purpose? Her actions were just really unbelievable. At first I thought that this was going to be a rom-com, what with Larisa buying a wedding dress and lying about an impending wedding after just dumping her boyfriend. That sounds like it’s a great set-up for a funny book. But the book wasn’t funny and she just kept lying to everyone, about nonsense things. And the side characters were just as annoying. Jack, who I thought was going to be the new love interest, is a man who just cheated on his wife and can’t seem to take care of his family because he is too busy working. And on and on it went. I unfortunately didn’t find many redeeming qualities of the story to swing my interest back around.
But the cover is BEAUTIFUL! It really set me up with such high hopes for this story. Unfortunately, the story focused on annoying and frustrating events instead of being humorous or heartfelt. This was a really big miss.
Thank you to #StMartinsPress and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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