The Lines We Draw, A review by Kristie

posted in: 5 star read, Kristie, LGBTQ+ | 0


The Lines We Draw

CD Rachels

220 pages



This was amazingly romantic and sweet. Ravi is the captain of the soccer team, and Steven is a fine arts major. They end up connecting in the art class that Ravi needs to graduate, and can’t stay away from each other.

Steven has been out for a long time, but Ravi isn’t. Ravi known that he is gay for a while, but hasn’t ever acted in it or met someone worth the risk. But that all changed when he walked into the art room and locked eyes with Steven.

I think the thing I loved the most about this book was that in addition to the characters being so relatable, the situations were ones that many people have found themselves in during their own college years.

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