The Lifeguards by Amanda Eyre Ward

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The Lifeguards

by Amanda Eyre Ward

368 Pages

Ballantine Books


Austin’s Zilker Park neighborhood is a well desired neighborhood filled with greenbelt trails, live music and your typical close knit mom clubs. Whitney, Annette and Liza are practically sisters and raise their kids together for the last 15 years. Their friendship can withstand absolutely anything…until the incident on the greenbelt. 

The boys return home from their late-night bicycle adventures and go into protection mode. The news report foul play may be involved and the boys are keeping secrets.  

How far will one mom go to protect her kiddo? How strong are these friendships and will they stand up against an investigation?  


First of all, I picked this book entirely based on the cover and thought “wow what a great summer/beach read” and boy was I in for a treat. This is in fact not the light fluffy read I was aiming for and instead very much murder mystery but still it was 4 stars for me. This book really kept me on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed watching the development of the investigation and how the sentence “what happened on the greenbelt?” kept getting thrown around. We get to see the parents dynamic and see that everything may not be as it seems there but also the kid’s friendship as well.  

There are elements of family dynamic drama, friendship drama, relationship drama, murder mystery and so much more. The mom’s really put in perspective just what some people are and aren’t willing to do in order to protect their children and sometimes that’s drastic measures.

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