The Homewreckers, a review by Di

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Mary Kay Andrews

St Martin’s Press
May 3, 2022
448 pages

Goodreads | Amazon

I always look forward to this time every year, Mary Kay Andrews summer book is released. I’ve come to depend on her for a great guilty pleasure, a good story with a bit of romance, a bit of mystery, a good book that I can lose myself in for a while.

The Homewreckers fits into the category of decrepit home do-overs, the DIY shows that are so popular on HGTV these days. The network has been changed to HPTV but the format is one that many of us are familiar with. The star Hattie was already renovating homes before she was cast on the show. A down-to-earth, down-home girl. Her co-star is Trae, such a corny name in a chick lit book. He is already an established star. Right away, the stage is set, will Hattie hate him or fall madly in love?

A little mystery develops pretty early in the renovation when the wallet of a young woman who had gone missing over a decade earlier. The mystery deepens quickly.

And, as can be expected, almost everything goes wrong right from the start. There’s an overzealous by-law enforcer slapping fines as fast as he can. There’s a dumpster fire (arson?) that could have been serious. The replacement dumpster ends up falling into the septic tank as it’s being delivered. Basically, Murphy’s Law had been activated.

My one complaint is the name of a character. The name is LANIER and I need to know how to pronounce it. IS it the French way, Lahn-yay? Is it the Anglo version, Lahn-yer! Or perhaps it’s Lane-yer? I even Googled, trying to find a pronunciation. I found several different ways.

The Homewreckers is a fun and entertaining book. It’s a typical MKA story, not quite my favourite but a great beach/vacation read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an Advance Readers Copy to me.

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