The Good Sister
Sally Hepworth
St. Martin’s Press
320 pages
Published April 13, 2021
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Having read The Mother-in-Law and enjoyed it, I was excited to start this book and I’m happy to say it lived up to my expectations.
Fern and Rose are twins, but couldn’t be less alike. They’ve had a difficult life and are still each other’s person. Rose is the more normal of the twins, married and understanding how the world works, while Fern is on the spectrum living in her own little world, happily I might add. To me this book reads more like fiction than a thriller. You peer into their lives, both now and in flashbacks in Rose’s journal showing important events that shaped them.
I think the author does a good job of showing the struggles of Fern’s life without making it a social issue. I really enjoyed the moments where we were a librarian with her and saw her huge heart in helping others without her realizing she was going above and beyond. She is a very relatable character.
The book moved along at a nice pace and I finished it in about a day. And for those thriller lovers, I don’t want to give anything away, but there are a few moments for you too. I enjoyed the book and it’s one of my favorites of 2021, so far.
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