The Garden Party
By Grade Dane Mazur
Narrator Bernadette Dunne
7 hours
Published July 2018, by Random House
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Can I just say how beautiful this cover is? With the title and this cover I imagined a Brothers and Sisters type of outdoor dinner being the backdrop for this story. Beautiful, lush, multiple conversations at once. The premise was the same but the story left me shrugging my shoulders.
Two families come together for dinner on the eve of the wedding of their two children. One family is highly intellectual, the other are Wall Street lawyer types. The dinner highlights all the differences of both families which should have been more interesting than it actually was.
I was actually bored through much of this book. Some of the characters were very interesting but the story spent such a short time on them and consistently refocused on the parents, which were either flighty and self-indulgent or angry and bigoted.
Towards the end of the book, the focus shifts to the children of the party, which was kind of cute but also kind of weird. And the last part of the book, focusing on the elderly grandmother, was like a whole separate book. It felt so odd and out of place that I was very happy when the book was over.
If you like books that feel like long, lazy strolls with no real purpose or ending, this would be a book for you.
Thank you to #NetGalley for providing this book. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy and all views expressed are only my honest opinion.
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