Your Forgotten Sons, a Review by Susan

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Anne Montgomery

233 pages
Next Chapter
May 29, 2024

Goodreads | Amazon |

This was an interesting read from a gender perspective: I do not run across many books that involve soldiers and war written by women. Montgomery did a credible job conveying the experience of being at war. It is not at the level of The Things They Carried (few books are) but the details felt authentic. It was also a romance novel but it felt unexpected and that aspect was intertwined with the protagonist’s war experience, so it did not steer the story off course or become maudlin.

There was a good exploration of the protagonist and his character was shown to us, not told. He was likeable and would have been a good catch for anyone. I would have liked to known more about Lorraine because she was a character I loved to hate. I realize that this was a hard balancing act by the author because she did not want to tell us too much about Lorraine because there was a big reveal at the end but she was so cold and unlikeable that I felt like I needed to know more a little earlier and along the way, especially when Eva came on the scene. I found myself rooting for her so much and wanting Bud to kick Lorraine to the curb but I wasn’t sure why.

If you are looking for some engaging historical fiction that is about World War II without being focused on the Holocaust, this is it. There were a few spots that could have benefited from a little editing where it felt a little slow but overall, this was a good solid historical fiction read that was a bit different, with some romance but not the kind that drags historical fiction down. If you are looking for some good character development with some action, this is it. I would give it 4.5 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and to Next Chapter for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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