The Ex Wives, a review by Kristin

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The Ex Wives
By: Jenna Kernan

Publication Date: October 10, 2022
Published By: Bookouture
376 pages

Find It On: Amazon | Goodreads

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“I hope you run. Nothing I like better than flushing birds and shooting them out of the clear blue sky.”

Elana is a single mother of a young daughter, Phoebe. Things aren’t great, but they are getting by. Then she meets and marries Jackson. He’s amazing. He loves her and he loves Phoebe. He has taken care of her debt, he doesn’t want her to work, and he has an amazing house that her and Phoebe have moved into. As time passes into the marriage, Jackson becomes controlling. Elana learns of Jackson’s ex-wives who both has young daughters disappear and she begins to fear for her and Phoebe’s safety. Will she be able to make it out alive? Can she keep Phoebe safe?

This is now one of my top thrillers. It keeps the reader on the edge of their seat! I couldn’t put this book down, and read it in less than 24 hours. Kernan did a fantastic job at making the tension palpable. One of the best things about this book? It felt new, like nothing that I have ever read before. I liked that there was plenty of dialogue and not too much background information. There was just enough background for the reader to understand the story. I did NOT see the ending coming, and I absolutely loved the way that Kernan finished this book. It is very rare that I like endings, but this one was absolutely perfect. My friend read this as an ARC and she kept telling me I needed to read it. I’m so glad that I listened to her and read it! A must read for any thriller reader.


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