The Dressmakers of Prospect Heights, a review by Di

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Kitty Zeldis

Harper Collins
December 6, 2022
352 pages

Goodreads | Amazon

Sometimes I read a book that I really like but I have a hard time reviewing it. This is one of those times.

This is a historical novel, set in New York in the 1920s. There are 3 main characters, Beatrice, Alice and Catherine. Beatrice came to America from Russia and settles in New Orleans, Alice is her ward and Catherine is the young wife of a businessman in Brooklyn.

The lives of all three women come together in ways they never expected. Nor did I expect.

I enjoyed the different settings. Russia and New Orleans were both part of flashbacks. New York was the present, being the 1920s.

I’m always fascinated by books that take place anytime in the 20th century. I love reading about courting “rules”, the descriptions of clothing (this book was especially good for that) and even the household routines. There was a particular description of preparing the house for Christmas that made me wish I could have been part of it.

The other elements that made this book interesting were finding lost family, century-old “Me Too” issues, conflict, anti-semitism, forgiveness. And, most important of all: mothering and
mother/daughter relationships.

This was a very satisfying read.

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