The Bone Spindle, a review by Kristie

posted in: 5 star read, Kristie | 0


The Bone Spindle
Leslie Vedder

413 pages
January 11, 2022

Amazon | Goodreads |

As retelling go, this is one of the more entertaining I’ve read in a while. A land ravaged by the power of Witches, trapped under the spell of one to save it from the curse of another. Fi and Shane decide to go on one more treasure hunt together, and it turns out to be far bigger than either of them ever imaged.

I love their banter and how they constantly bicker yet still compliment each other. The twists on sleeping beauty were really well done, too. Briar is the prince Fi is destined to save, but instead of going in blind, Briar is able to magically project himself in order to help them on their way.

A story of danger and adventure, enemies both obvious and hidden, old and new, Fi and Shane make their way through obstacles with the help of mysterious Red, and a spectral Briar. Will they make it past the thorns around the castle alive?

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