That Summer
Jennifer Weiner
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432 pages
Contemporary Lit
Published May 11, 2021 by Atria Books
A book written by Jennifer Weiner never disappoints me. This one should be classified as Contemporary Lit, not Women’s Lit. The relevance to today’s society is at the forefront, right from the beginning.
Many of us have a summer from their teens that can be remembered as That Summer. Sometimes the memories are good, sometimes they are not so good.
Daisy and Diana met by an odd coincidence, which turns out to be not so odd as the story unfolds. And, Beatrice, Daisy’s 14 year old daughter, is also an important character. All of their personalities and traits are very well developed.
Diana is trying to come to terms with her past. Daisy is trying to justify her life in the present. And, Beatrice is trying to find her path in life as someone who does not fit in with the “norm”.
The “Me Too” movement has a huge part in the story. The “Boys will be boys” mentality is challenged. The Mean Kids and bullying atmosphere of teens are also spotlighted. This sounds like a lot to deal with while putting together a coherent story but all these themes tie in with each other.
The story demonstrates how one action can create a snowball effect……for many years and many people. The story certainly makes the reader think. “Incidents” can no longer be swept under the rug. People must be made accountable for their actions.
And a warning: despite the title and the cover, this is not a “beach” read. It is not a light and fluffy book. It is a well-written and well thought out storyline. The last 25% of it may be a little hard to read and process. Sometimes we need a book that makes us think.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
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