Teaser Tuesday // the Power

posted in: Jenn | 0

It’s Tuesday! Time for…


Firstchapter, first paragraph intros, now hosted by Yvonne at Socrates’ Booknreviews, where bloggers share excerpts from a book they have read, are currently reading, or are planning to read.

My current read is the Power by Naomi Alderman.


The shape of power is always the same; if is the shape of a tree. Root to tip, central trunk branching and re-branching, spreading wider in ever-thinner, searching fingers. The shape of power is the outline of a living thing straining outward, sending it’s fine tendrils a little further, and a little further yet.


She’s not fine. She’s having trouble with this power. No one knows enough to explain what’s happening to her. She can’t control the power inside her, and it’s getting worse. Margot watches the girls on the screen in Wisconsin. One of them has a tattooed hand of the Goddess in the center of her palm. Her friend shrieks as she applies the power, but it’s not clear to Margot whether she’s crying out with fear, pain or with delight.

What do you think, would you keep reading? 



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