First chapter, first paragraph intros, now hosted by Yvonne at Socrates’ Booknreviews, where bloggers share excerpts from a book they have read, are currently reading, or are planning to read. Teaser Tuesday is hosted by The Purple Booker.
A Christmas Message, Debbie Macomber
Christmas Letters
First chapter, first paragraph:
Dear Family and Friends:
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Let me warn you- this Christmas letting won’t be as clever as last year’s. My sister, Katherine (whom you may know better as K.O.), wrote that one for me but, ironically, she hasn’t got time to do this year’s. Ironic because its due to the popularity of that particular letter that she’s managed to start a little business on the side- writing Christmas letters for other people! (She offered to write mine of course, but I know that between her work doing medical transcriptions, her job search and her Christmas letters, it would be a real stretch to find the time.)
Even after a two-and-half-hour dinner, K.O. was reluctant to leave. She found Wynn truly fascinating. His stories about living in a commune, his surfing adventures- including an encounter with a shark off the coast of Australia- and his travels kept her enthralled.
Would you keep reading?
Debbie Macomber? Yes! I’d definitely keep reading anything she wrote. One of my favorites.