The Stolen Baby, a review by Di

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Diney Costeloe

Head of Zeus
July 1, 2022
416 pages

Goodreads | Amazon

I have read several books by Diney Costeloe and enjoyed each one. She primarily writes books that are set during WW2. But she doesn’t write about the war as much as she writes about the people.

The writing style is simple yet reading one of Ms. Costeloe’s books is like meeting a new friend.

This book is about a baby that was accidentally left behind as a family fled to a bunker during an air raid in London. He was found the next day by a police officer who took him home until the next day when he would turn the baby over to the proper authorities. Through war circumstances, the baby ended up with the police officer’s widow and she decided the flee with the baby. Thus, the baby ended up being “stolen”. The rest of the book centres around the birth family trying to track down their baby. There are lots of juicy details along the way.

I have read other stories about children that are stolen. While this is obviously a crime, it often is not with criminal intent. As a reader observing from afar I can sympathize with the birth family and empathize with the perpetrator. Although this particular perp didn’t garner as much empathy as others have done. This story is interesting, the characters are good people, victims of terrible circumstances. There is a bit of intrigue, a bit of romance, and some suspense.

The one problem I did have was that there were a couple of coincidences that occurred that seemed very unlikely. But, since I read for the sole purpose of entertainment and relaxation, I am not dwelling on this.

While The Stolen Baby kept me turning pages, waiting to see how everything would come together, I don’t think this one is as good as the other books by Ms. Costeloe. But, nevertheless, it was still a satisfying read.

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