Spells Trouble, a review by Tanya

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Spells Trouble (Sisters of Salem #1)
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

320 pages
Published May 25, 2021 by Wednesday Books

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This cover! I am in love with it! Flora and Fauna on a book cover is always attractive to me. This cover makes me think of being in the forest in springtime when all the plants and trees are waking up from a long, cold winter. New life. New beginnings. Opportunities.

I also love books about witches. Not the dreary tales but the stories that focus on positivity, creation, remediation and love. Oh, and revenge. I do love a good witchy revenge story where the bad guy/girl gets what they’ve got coming to them.

So imagine my surprise when this beautifully covered book, by a well-know author I might add, was a total flop for me! The prologue was fantastic. I was immediately drawn into the story and was so delighted to have finally been able to have time to read this book. But then came Chapter 1, present day. The MC’s, twin high school girls, were just so grey. They barely had any character and what they did have was the teenage snarkiness. No thanks- I have tons of that at home! Some big emotional trauma happens at the beginning of the book and they are tasked with saving their town, maybe even the world and then next day they are back at school like ho-hum, it’s a Wednesday.

Utterly unbelievable. I know, it’s fantasy and they are witches so it’s already unbelievable. But you know what I mean. I wasn’t feeling. I wasn’t sucked into the story. I kept reading hoping it would get better. It did not. I doubt I will be picking up book 2.


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