Something New at the Borrow A Bookshop
By: Kiley Dunbar
Publication Date: March 23, 2023
Published By: Hera Books
279 pages
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After a winter flood that destroyed all the stock in the Borrow-A-Bookshop, the newest temporary seller is Joy Foley. She arrives in Clove Lore with her 5 year old daughter, Radia Pearl. Joy is considered to be a tech guru, or tech nomad, and will help bring the bookshop up to date with technology. Joy jumps from town to town performing technology services for various people and their companies. This is because she is on the run from her daughter’s father. She figures moving will keep her and her daughter safe because then he won’t be able to find them. Joy meets various people in the town of Clove Lore, and enjoys most of them. She especially enjoys Monty Bickleigh, and finds herself becoming closer go him. While she seems to like Monty and Clove Lore, she tells herself that she needs to keep running. But can this place, and Monty, finally stop her from running?
This is a very sweet book about a very sweet town. I really enjoyed the idea of borrow-a-bookshop where tenants can rent out the bookshop for a certain amount of time, sell in it, and then be on their way. It’s such a great way to get new and different types of people and books into bookstores. I think I would enjoy living in Clove Lure (so long as they are more than fish!). Books like this make me want to live in a small town. When I got this book, I didn’t realize it was a part of series! I never once felt like I as missing out on any information since I didn’t read the first two books. However, I wanted to feel more between Joy and Monty. After reading some other cute romance books, their romance for me was kind of a let down. I didn’t swoon, I didn’t hope to see them wind up together. I honestly didn’t care about them. What I cared more about was Joy’s relationship with her family, why they seemed to disappear on her, why they are so insistent on returning now, and how that will all play out. And boy, did I love every minute of that! So for those reasons, this is a 3 star read for me.
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