Six Crimson Cranes, a review by Cat

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Six Crimson Cranes
Elizabeth Lim

Published July 6, 2021
By Knopf
464 Pages

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Elizabeth Lim’s latest novel, Six Crimson Cranes, is a compelling and extraordinary fantasy novel, one that I cannot recommend enough.

Shiori is the only princess of Kiata. She is unique for another reason, as forbidden magic hides within her veins. Magic that is just begging to burst out and reveal her secret to the world – including her magic-fearing family.

When disaster strikes, it does so quickly. Shiori’s magic is revealed when she discovers that her stepmother also has magic. What follows is a magical banishment for Shiori and her six brothers. Now they must find a way to save the kingdom.

Oh my goodness. Can I go back in time and read Six Crimson Cranes for the first time again? Pretty please? Seriously though, this is a novel worth of time travel; it is that good. Everything about this story demands attention, from the start right up until the end.

Best of all? Six Crimson Cranes is the start of a new series, and I’m already counting down the days for the sequel. Okay, I’m not exactly counting down the days – that would require me to know the release date. But I will be as soon as that announcement is made.

Six Crimson Cranes is a story built around a classic fairy tale, the swan brothers (also known as the Six Swans). It carries a lot of those classical notes, yet there are some distinct changes throughout the story. Personally, I love the transition from swans to crimson cranes here. It’s so fitting, and it makes for exceptionally striking imagery.

Long story short: I loved Six Crimson Cranes, and highly recommend it to everyone, especially fans of Elizabeth Lim. I know I’m going to be adding the rest of her works to my TBR list (I’ve been meaning to read Spin the Dawn for far too long at this point).

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