Sheltered: When a Boy Becomes a Legend
Jacob Paul Patchen
164 Pages
TouchPoint Press
February 16, 2021
With America under attack from within, twelve-year-old James must fight his way to freedom while trying to hold onto his values and virtue.
“We are all given a space in life to fill, a roaring emptiness in time… and it’s how you choose to fill that void, that will determine the difference in becoming a man or a legend.”
Sheltered tells a tale of James, in a war torn America where he is fighting to survive. First I have to note this book is directed toward an audience of 12-15 year old’s and I can definitely seeing it reaching that target age well. There was a lot of modern references and the conversation flowed with a younger hint to it, all of which I think a younger audience would find relatable.
James is the “Sheltered” one and his story goes from losing his family and being in isolation, to trying to survive and fight against the elements and the enemy, eventually he joins a group of kid’s his age and they become the Risers. Will they be able to fight and rise against the challenges presented?
From my perspective I found the overall story interesting and I liked where the book went, it had a few twists and turns which keeps the reader guessing. I think the beginning could have moved along a little faster and I would have liked more details on The Risers and what they got up to as a group. I also would have appreciated more details on the attacks suffered and why they were at war.
Overall Sheltered was an interesting dystopian read. The battle of good vs evil was a theme through the entire story and really creates some challenges for the characters and allows the reader to reflect on this topic.
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