Shark Heart
Emily Habeck
Published August 8, 2023
By S&S/Marysue Rucci Books
416 Pages
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When Shark Heart first popped up on BOTM, I passed on it. Then, it was described to me as a more mature version of Animorphs…and I knew I had to try it! That said, while I found this book to be a delight, I’m unsure if that comparison was on point.
A transformation occurs, undeniably presenting a more mature perspective on the Animorphs concept. However, the overall vibe felt closer to contemporary literary fiction for me. Nonetheless, despite the myriad of emotions it stirred within me, I found it enjoyable.
If one characteristic stands out about Shark Heart, it’s the deeply emotional nature of Lewis and Wren’s narrative. Their story delves into the core of emotions. Yet, theirs is not the sole narrative in this book. Each subsequent story or revelation delves further, creating a multi-layered and emotionally charged journey. To be honest, I believe I’ll need some additional time to fully process everything.
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