Seven Devils
Steve McManus
403 pages
Published December 17th, 2018 by Steve McManus
I read this as a stand-alone book, as I was not aware that this was a book 2 before receiving it. It isn’t necessary to the story line to have read book
Technicalities out of the way, this book falls in the mystery/thriller category which is one of my favorite genres. I was so excited to begin this book! The first thing to note is the format is a back and forth between two different characters.
Alternating point of views can be tricky to follow, especially when the stories for each character are focusing on different storylines, as was the case with Seven Devils. It took me quite a while to feel comfortable with drifting back and forth and made the story feel very broken and fractured to me. This book requires a lot of focus. As I personally put down/pick up my reads several times throughout the day, I really struggled not being able to easily fall back into the story.
The author is definitely a great writer but there were so much effort put into describing locations and situations that it detracted from the actual story for me. There were way too many analogies throughout for my taste. I found I was more focused on when the next one would show up vs what would happen in the actual storyline. I’m a fan of stories moving quickly and only focusing on situational details when they are important to the story.
The plot itself was good, if not a bit complex, with two separate investigations that seemingly had no connection as the story begins. The suspense builds throughout the book as the investigations begin to merge. The main characters, Ursula and Danny, were annoying and unlikable to me and did not hold my interest. This was a very difficult read for me, unfortunately.
Suggested Readers: For those that love mysteries/thrillers and can put the time and focus into this story, I believe this will be an entertaining read and well worth the time.
Thank you to #NetGalley for offering #SevenDevils to read for an honest review.
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