Separate Things, a Review by Liberty

posted in: 5 star read, Lìberty | 0

Separate Things
Ashley Marie Berry

October 22, 2023
372 Pages


Genre: Memoir

Wow, what a powerful memoir. In her memoir, Ashley summarizes her experiences with relationships and mental illness in a way that is realistic and tangible.

The memoir reads in a way that it actually feels you are immersed in Ashley’s thoughts and is extremely realistic, so much that at times it’s hard to read what all she goes through. It really throws you headfirst into her story.

I really enjoyed that the majority of the chapters are written as the “you” perspective to a variety of different individuals who have shaped her life in some way, either positively or negatively. This made it so much more immersive.

The prose woven throughout the book is descriptive and poetic and at times, pieces of this are so emotionally resonant that they read more like poetry.

Due to the nature of the experiences, heavy trigger warnings. OCD and its various triggers and obsession/compulsions, mental illness, hospitalization, assault, etc. If you have sensitivity to the triggers or subjects, please read with caution, as the narrative is very vivid and detailed.

Thank you to the author for providing a review copy to The Book Review Crew blog to provide our honest review. 

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