Santa Cruise, a review by Tanya

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Santa Cruise
Fern Michaels

368 pages
Published Sept 2021 by Kensington Books

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About the Book:

Fans of Debbie Macomber and Danielle Steel won’t want to miss this enchanting, humorous, and heartwarming novel that takes you on a singles cruise with four lifelong friends who might just find the gift of love this Christmas…

At Ridgewood High, Amy, Frankie, Rachael, and Nina formed a deep bond. Now, fifteen years after leaving school behind, they’re back for a reunion, laughing, reminiscing, and chatting how much has changed—and how much hasn’t. Nina, once the star of every school play, moved to Hollywood and landed a recurring role on a sitcom. Amy, fondly known as “the brains of the operation,” is now a Silicon Valley bioengineer. Outgoing and compassionate, Frankie works for a New York publishing house. Rachael, always the most boy-crazy of the crew, married—mostly to please her parents—but is now divorced. All four are strong, successful, and somehow, still looking for the right partner. But Frankie has an idea to help solve that: a singles cruise for the holidays.

In late December, Amy, Rachael, Frankie, and Nina gather in Miami, ready to board their state-of-the-art cruise ship. The entertainment options are endless, the food is to die for, and the passenger list includes hundreds of eligible men. The highlight of the week will be a magnificent New Year’s Eve celebration with multiple theme parties, dancing, and fireworks. The ladies are happy to give Cupid a helping hand here and there—hanging mistletoe in elevators and cheering each other on through speed-dating events and shore excursions. Holidays—like the path of love itself—don’t always go exactly as planned, but over the course of one festive, unforgettable week, all four will set sail on surprising new adventures.

My Review:

5/21 of my 2021 Christmas Reading goals.

I love when I have books with the same name that are completely different genres!  In this case, I read Santa Cruise from Fern Michaels which is a fun, girls trip for 4 women that have been friends since High School.

If you like books about women friends, this will be pretty enjoyable. I like them in theory but sometimes I get annoyed with how they portray women. It seems like there is always hyper-critical parts of the story focusing on how one or some of the women look like, if they are frumpy, overweight or dress in casual clothes they are made fun of.  It’s always a really big turn off for me.  In this case, that occurred in the first chapter as the women all met each other at their HS reunion. Then they fall back in to their old friendship and act sweet as pie to each other.

I wish these stories could be women who just accept each other for what they are and care for them without having to  make them a project of change. Oh well.

Most of the book was enjoyable once you get past that part.

I haven’t read a Fern Michaels book in a long time. It’s nice to get back in to her writing style.

Thank you to #KensingtonBooks and #NetGalley for making #SantaCruise available for review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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