Blog Tour Review: Rebuilding Alexandra Small

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Rebuilding Alexandra Small
Mo Fanning

268 pages
Romantic Comedy
June 4th, 2021 by Spring Street Books


Six years sober, Alexandra Small has it all… and then one day, she very publicly doesn’t.

When her perfect world crumbles, a face appears from Allie’s drunken past, hell bent on revenge. Can she rebuild her life before a stranger destroys it forever? And should she spend three weeks in an overheated shed having colonic irrigation with daytime TV’s Megan Macmillan?

In this laugh out loud treat of a novel, Mo Fanning tackles the difficulties and misadventures of work, love, and being seen for who you really are.

From the bestselling author of hit romantic comedy The Armchair Bride, comes ‘Rebuilding Alexandra Small’. A hilarious story about the aftermath of a life falling apart.

My Review


Rebuilding Alexandra Small was truly a joy to read.  It evoked ALL the feels: happiness, anger, surprise, slight anxiety and…. did I mention anger?

The story centers around PR exec and WAG Allie, who, with her semi- famous athlete husband Jed, is trying to have a baby. I immediately got the DANGER vibe from the fertility doctor and instantly hated her. (I mean, I even surprised myself with the level of loathing I had for this woman, the moment I met her on the first page of Chapter 2.) I thought the story was moving one way, but Fanning tricked me a bit and it went in a whole ‘nother direction.

Suffice it to say, Jed is a pig and commits a piggish act.  And Allie is blindsided.  This story is truly how she rebuilds her life after an incredible betrayal. Mix in a ton of LOL moments and it was a really great read.

The story moves fast; there are quirky characters and funny, funny one liners.  I had to remind myself a few times it was written by an Englishman so some of the slang cracked me up, where anyone living in the UK would probably read over it like we do with our popular swear words.  (To me, “I told him to get to f***” is just hilarious. I don’t know why. I’ve never heard “f*** off” said like that.) Her family is funny and super supportive, even though the author lets us into Allie’s past where there were a host of bad decisions and dark times.  None of us are perfect, and Allie has some serious regrets of yesteryear. But unconditionally, her family loves her, even if her mother is a bit of a wild card.

Several different story lines orbit around Allie and Jed; the media who want the scandalous story and the bottom feeders who dig up dirt to keep Allie and Jed the front page’s headline. The relationships she has with her family play out, including  her father’s story and how it connects to her. She is forced to face past errors in judgement and coming to terms with what she really wants out of life.  Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to make you see where you want to go.

Fanning does a GREAT job of throwing us into ALL our emotions within these two hundred and sixty eight pages.   It really is amazing. I could be ready to reach into the pages of this book to throttle Jed and then someone drops a one-liner that almost makes me wet myself from laughing. (It’s a thing folks. I’m 46. It happens). He also does a great job of making Allie accountable, not simply a damsel in distress. So many female characters are “rescued” and that is so old and boring.  Allie falls on hard times, and it is hard for her to pick up.  She is betrayed and lied to, but doesn’t run right into the arms of someone else to feel better.  (Although there is this one guy….there is ALWAYS a guy….) The price of being a famous athlete’s wife is high and  when things goes awry, she is thrust into the unknown. She handles it with grace but also a little bit of grit, and gives a bit sour-tasting medicine right back to a couple  of mean, mean bitches. (You know who you are, but no spoilers here so you remain anonymous for now).

I think the book ties up nicely at the end and comes full circle, although it takes us on a bit of a roller coaster ride to get there. But an enjoyable one, for sure!

A solid, funny 5 star read! I will definitely be checking out his first book, “The Armchair Bride”.

About the Author

Standup comic and writer, Mo has taught English to entitled French kids, sold his soul (and very little else) in a telesales sweatshop, deep-fried scampi with lemon wedge for Little Chef, and flatly denies being in his fifties. Mo’s highly readable novels appeal to readers who enjoy books by Marian Keyes and Jane Fallon. ‘The Armchair Bride’ was shortlisted for the Arts Council England ‘Book of the Year’ award. As well as writing for several anthologies, Mo’s work has appeared in The Observer, The Guardian and Irish Independent. In 2021, ‘Rebuilding Alexandra Small’ will establish Mo as a purveyor of fine prose. Mo supports a crippling mortgage in Brighton. for Mo’s blog, newsletter and all kinds of other nonsense.





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