Ready Player Two, a review by Cat

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Ready Player Two
Ernest Cline

Published November 24th, 2020
By Bellantine Books
370 Pages.

Find it on Goodreads.

When most fans dove into Ready Player One, they accepted that it would be a standalone novel, and that they wouldn’t be seeing much more of Wade Watts. So imagine our surprise when Ernest Cline announced a sequel – after all of these years.

Saying that Wade Watts’ entire world changed the day he won James Halliday’s contest. It’d be more accurate to say that the world really did change – for everyone. The discovery Wade made, following all of the prizes he received, is about to change it all.

Unfortunately, not everyone can agree that this change is for the better. The world is already facing a severe addiction to a virtual world, and this new technology is almost certainly going to make that worse. Perhaps, if that had been the only problem for Wade, things would have gone differently.

Picking up Ready Player Two felt so much like reading Cline’s first novel all over again. The characters, the world, the aesthetic, it’s all there. Granted, there are major changes happening in the world, but where would the fun be without those very changes?

Ready Player Two could easily have been a novel that Ernest Cline coasted on. Instead, he chose to take some serious risks, both with character development, and with the discussions he raised.

One thing is certain, that blast of nostalgia is real. If you loved all of the lore and references dug up for Ready Player One – then the odds are good that you’re going to enjoy Ready Player Two. It’s the ’80s resurrected, as Cline broadens the scope to include movies and novels from that time period.

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