One of the things I love about BOTM is that it brings new authors to my attention. New authors like Darby Kane. Pretty Little Wife is Kane’s debut novel, and it is a domestic suspense novel of epic proportions.
Lila Ridgefield lives a perfect life, by all appearances. But appearances can be deceiving, as we all know. Her life is far from perfect, a fact that is becoming abundantly clear now that her husband has gone missing.
Pretty Little Wife was a thrilling (no pun intended) and fast-paced read. It seemed like every chapter had something major going on, be it another intense revelation or something deeply disturbing. It didn’t feel like a book that was over four hundred pages, especially not as I blitzed through them, eager to see what happened next.
This is a novel that handled a lot of tense and difficult subjects, so it isn’t going to be for every reader. Still, I enjoyed the theme and especially the ethical questions and debates it raised over the course of its telling. If there is one thing I know, after having finished this read, it’s that Darby Kane is going to be a new author worth keeping an eye on.
I really love fast-paced reads. I am adding this to my list. Even more than fast-paced reads I really enjoy books that depict a perfect story, until the ends unravel. So juicy!