People Like Her, a review by Cat

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People Like Her
Ellery Lloyd

Published Jan. 12th, 2021
By Harper
288 Pages

Find it on Goodreads. Get it on BOTM.

Ellery Lloyd’s debut novel is a thriller like you’ve never seen before. It merges social media fame with domestic suspense and so much more.

Emmy Jackson, aka @the_mamabare, is a woman who appears to have it all. An adoring husband, two adorable children, and a rabid fanbase on Instagram. However, appearances can be deceiving, and Emmy is the master at spin.

Unfortunately, there are people out there who believe that Emmy doesn’t deserve what she has, and they’re intent to right those wrongs. In a series of several twists, People Like Her is set out to show the dangers that come with obsessions and fandoms.

People Like Her is one of those thriller novels that had so much potential, it’s almost hard to believe. The concept is so unique and intriguing, while certainly having plenty of room to get pretty dark.

And dark it does get. On that note, this is probably not a read for everyone. Especially those that don’t want to read about stalking, or the dangers children can be put through. Just a gentle warning on that front.

Overall, People Like Her was an interesting read. I love that Lloyd was able to write something so compelling about characters I truly didn’t like all that much. Though that may also be the reason I found myself a bit distanced from this tale. Either way, it didn’t leave behind the impression that I had hoped for. Still, it was worth reading, in my mind.

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