On The Island Of The Mad Magician, a review by Veronica

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On The Island Of The Mad Magician: An interactive tale from the Realm of Goblin
Eric Grissom

Frankenstein’s Daughter
November 6, 2023


As a young girl I can remember taking trips to the library at school and it being such a free and exciting experience. I loved the quiet and the smell of books. I loved the experience of selecting my next journey. This book brought back memories of those days. With this book not only did I take an amazing adventure, but I took several. Each adventure was different than the last.

The author does a fabulous job at pulling you into the story. I started reading about a boy working at his mother’s inn. He was cleaning and the scene was being set. Before I even realized it had happened, I was in the story. No longer was I reading from the perspective of an outsider looking in but had become part of the story. It was such an exciting read! I loved getting to choose which direction I wanted to go. It was very thrilling and exciting to read this book.

I can say without a doubt that I loved this book. I can’t wait to read it with my nieces and nephews. Such a fun reading experience. This is a great book for any classroom, teacher, or parent looking to engage with young readers.


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